Prevalence of Schistosomia haematobium and Associated Risk Factors Among School Children in Algablin village, White Nile State, Sudan
Prevalence, Schistosomiasis, S.haematobium. risk factors, Filtration Technique.Abstract
Background: Schistosomiasis is a water parasitic disease infecting more than 200 million people, it is the third
after malaria and intestinal helminthiasis in global parasitism. The negative impacts on school performance and the
debilitation caused by untreated infections demoralize both social and economic development in endemic areas.
Aim: To determine the prevalence of urinary schistosomiasis among basic school children in Algablin village.
Methods: This cross sectional study was carried out from May to July 2018 in Algablin village, White Nile State.
Sudan, . Two hundred urine samples were collected from school children in Algablin village and examined for the
parasite using parasitological filtration concentration techniques.
Results: Out of 200 urine samples examined, the prevalence of S.haematobium was 24%. In Abo Bakr Alsedig
School the prevalence of urinary schistosomiasis was 25% and in Khalid Ibn Al Walid school the prevalence of
infection was 23%. Regarding to the age groups, in the group (8-10) years, the prevalence of the disease was 26%,
and in age (10-13) years the prevalence of infection was 22%.
Conclusions: The study concluded that the prevalence of S.haematobium parasite infection is 24% in the studied
area, and that the prevalence of urinary schistosomiasis was higher in age group 8-10 years than age group 11-