أسباب التضخم بالولاية الشمالية خلال الفترة 2015م- 2016م


  • . أسامة معاوية بخيت حسين أستاذ الاقتصاد المساعد - جامعة دنقلا


: معدل التضخم, الرقم القياسي, النقط, المجموعة السلعية والخدمية


The aim of this study to explain the reasons which lead to the rise of the prices in the northern state during 2016, this has been done through statistical descriptive and analytic study to the figures for the consumers prices,the rate of inflation in the northern state, so as to find out the causes of the rise and then to set the appropriate solutions to reduce the rise of the prices. The study hypothesised that the price of goods and services have raised that the Rural areas have been affected with inflation rather than Urban ones.  The study was divided into three frames: Introduction, sections and conclusion.  The findings of the study, that the rise of the prices for all goods and services in the state, this is due to the measures taken by the government after the lifting of the subsidy from the fuel which causes the rise of the prices in the state.  The recommendations of the stud, that the northern state should open centres for cheap selling encourage the competition and controlling monopoly.




